The next Friends AGM will be held in School on Saturday, the 13 November at 6.15 pm. We look forward to seeing you there ! Lecture by Linda Smith will follow after that, see here.

You can read and download all relevant AGM information here: AGM Notice 2021 , FPSAD Annual Report 20-21 ,  AGM Nominations 20-21 , AGM Agenda 2021 .

If you have any queries or questions please send a message to


Message to members from the Friends committee

Dear Friends,

Thank you very much for your continuing support of PSAD. It is very much appreciated. Your membership subs and the profits from events such as our Christmas Fair have already paid for much needed equipment for the school such as studio lighting, easels and new TV monitors. We have also launched a new Friends website (linked to the school’s website) which has been a big expense.

We have received an extensive wish list from the tutors and the school – ranging from new equipment for the pottery and print room, a laser cutter, heart defibrillators, even upgrading the café kitchen! We need to raise more money!

You have a very hard-working Friends committee of 12 (six of whom are trustees of the charity) but we need more VOLUNTEER HELP from you, our members. You don’t have to join the committee, just let us call on you occasionally asking for help with our activities in raising funds for the school.

CAN YOU HELP with any of the following?

Our new Website
Do you have experience of selling on line?
Would you be good at getting adverts?
Seeking content/news from around the school – perhaps providing a bit of editorial and photographs. We want to keep the website relevant and newsy.

The Christmas Fair  – Sadly missed last year, but we will have one this Christmas – all guns blazing and variants permitting!  Find all information and how to apply for table or wall space Here.

In the past it has fallen to a few to organise it, and it is hard work for so few people.    Could you:
help move furniture around?
decorate the school?
seek stall holders?
help with food and drink?
organise children’s activities?
hang the wall exhibits?
It’s all quite physical work !  You will be a dogsbody… but it is rewarding and fun.  HELP !

Friends branded merchandise – we sell mugs, tea towels and aprons but ideas for other merchandise would be welcome.  We are just limited by display space at the school. See here.

Being a class rep – only about half of the classes have a rep. Form reps act as a conduit for information between Students – Friends – School, in both directions. Reps keep everyone up to date. See here.

Membership – help signing up classmates as Friends. Still only £10.00 a year!  See here.

Finding Lecture Speakers, Workshop Tutors. Our lectures and workshops are hugely enjoyed, very popular and very varied.

These are the main areas for which we need help at the moment , but we are very much open to ideas on how to raise money for the school. It has been torrid time of late, as we all know, and funds are needed.

And, if you are really keen, would you like to join the Friends Committee?
It meets about once a term, unless you are on a sub committee e.g. for the Christmas Fair. Nilar Morgan, head of school, usually attends. It does occasionally involve some actual hard work – and of course we would love to draw on your expertise where and when we can. It is a way of giving back but you’ll find it sociable and fun too.

Please get in touch with me if you’d like to help or to find out more.

Vicki Garthwaite

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