The submission by the five shortlisted artists have arrived and the winner was selected and announced at the PSAD Summer Show party.
The winning work is by the artist Gillian Brett who created an outstanding sculpture. She received the 1st prize award of £750, kindly sponsored by Friends of School of Putney Art and Design.
Congratulations Gillian! It is very exciting to see a permanent sculpture in one of the Borough gardens by a PSAD student.
The other shortlisted artists were Charlotte Annand, Louise Dent, Robin Batt, Amanda Withey. They were given a small gift by the school.
We thank all the artists who invested their time in creating and submitting their work!

Artist Gillian Brett in front of the fountain, with Charles Runcie (FCG), Tara Osman (FCG) and Sniez Torbarina (FPSAD)
Charles Runcie, the chairman of Friends of Coronation Gardens says:
“We’re thrilled we now have a centrepiece for the fountain, to complete its restoration. Who better for it to be than an image of Fanny Wilkinson, the ground-breaking garden designer, who laid out Coronation Gardens over a century ago and whose legacy we honour”.
Putney School of Art and Design and Friends of Coronation Gardens, supported by Friends of PSAD, have led on organising this exciting Art competition to design a new fountainhead figurine in Coronations Gardens, a beautiful, historical Edwardian park set in Southfields. The fountain, based in the heart of the gardens, will undergo a full refurbishment to restore it to its former 1904 glory, to coincide with Wandsworth, the 2025 London Borough of Culture.
Visit the PSAD website, Friends of PSAD and Friends of Coronation Gardens.
Read more about PSAD Friends and PSAD School History.